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Alexander Novin

Alexander Novin graduated from the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (GITIS) in 2001. He was a participant in the “The Last Hero-2” project on Russian Channel One. He holds a master's rating in kickboxing. He has acted in numerous films, including: Igor Shavlak's “Yugra's Gold” (2001), Leonid Kulagin's “The Drilling Site” (2002), Yevgeny Serov's “The Instructor” (2003), Zinovy Roizman's “Twins” (2004), Alexander Sabba's “Tender Beast” (2004), Oleg Stepchenko's “Male Season. Velvet Revolution” (2005), Yegor Konchalovsky's “Escape” (2005), Anton Bormatov's “The Palm Reader” (2005), Andrei Kavun's “The Hunt for Piranha” (2006), Yury Moroz, Nikolai Lebedev and Gennady Sidorov's “The Apostle” (2007), Tom Roberts's “In Transit” (2007). Novin performs Cherubino in “Figaro, the Events of One Day" a production of the Yevgeny Mironov Theatrical Company, and the Student in “The Bumbarash Passion” at the Tabakov Theatre.


Спектакли (Действующие лица и исполнители):
Actors - The Farce Majeure Concert for drama actors and orchestra
Andrey Ivansky - Jeanna
Cherubino - Figaro. The Events of One Day
Imaginary Alex - A Clockwork Orange
Michael Borkin - Ivanov
Milo Tindle - Game
Actors - We are the Echo...
Actors - Shukshin's Stories
Actors - Pushkin's Fairy Tales
Fred - Stilyagi
Cook - The Suitors
Chris Smith - Killer Joe
Tybalt - Romeo and Juliet