Касса  +7 (495) 629 37 39
Artyom Tulchinsky


Спектакли (Действующие лица и исполнители):
Actors - The Farce Majeure Concert for drama actors and orchestra
Aglaya, Ganya - Idiot
Heinz - Lovers
Actors - We are the Echo...
Musician - On Saltkrakan Island
Musicians - "Our everything..." Brodsky. By the Uncommon Expression of the Face
Пломбир, Звонарь, Ворон, Синий генерал, Шарманщик - The Blue Blue Bird
Mushrooms, Forest Dwellers, Mystery People, Addicts, Policemen - A Tale of the Last Angel
Bears - A Tale of the Last Angel
Actors - Pushkin's Fairy Tales
Psekov, the horse, Musician - The Swedish Matchstick
Белобородов - I Killed the Tsar. VR performance
Deacon - The Suitors
Cast - Снегири
Common Soldier as Vincentio and A Tailor - The Taming of the Shrew
Sam Dreyman - Shosha
Спектакли (постановочная группа):
Composer - "Our everything..." Brodsky. By the Uncommon Expression of the Face
Musical Score - Сонечка
Musical Score - The Glass Menagerie