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Chulpan Khamatova

Recipient of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Chulpan Khamatova is a graduate of the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (GITIS).

In 1998 she joined the company of the Sovremennik Theatre, where she has played numerous leads, including Patricia Holman in Galina Volchek's production of Erich Marie Remarque's “Three Comrades”; Irina and Masha in Volchek's production of “Three Sisters”; Andrija in Nina Chusova's production of Biljana Srbljanovic's “Family Stories” under the title of “Mamapapasondog”; Katerina in Chusova's production of Alexander Ostrovsky's “The Storm”; Masha Mukhina in Kirill Serebrennikov's production of Mikhail Kononov's “The Naked Pioneer”; Cleopatra in Serebrennikov's production of Shakespeare's “Antony and Cleopatra.” Some of her roles in other theatres include: the title role in Alexei Borodin's “The Diary of Anne Frank” at the Russian National Youth Theatre; the title role in Pyotr Shtein's production of A. R. Gurney's “Sylvia” for Yuly Malakyants's Open Theatre. Khamatova is one of the leading ladies in contemporary Russian film and has worked frequently in Europe. Her films include: Vadim Abdrashitov's “The Time of the Dancer,” Valery Todorovsky's “Country of the Deaf,” Veit Helmer's “Tuvalu,” Achim von Borris's “England!,” Bakhtyar Khudoinazarov's “Moon Father,” Yury Feting and Andrei Kravchuk's “The Christmas Miracle,” Lars Kraume's “Advertising Rules!” Wolfgang Becker's “Goodbye, Lenin!” Michael Sturminger's “The Whore's Son,” Andrei Eshpai, Jr. 's “Children of the Arbat,” “Ellipsis” and “The Event”; Alexei German, Jr. 's “Garpastum,” Alexander Proshkin's “Doctor Zhivago,” Filipp Yankovsky's “The Sword Bearer,” Garik Sukachyov's “The House of Sun,” Vladimir Khotinenko's “72 Meters,” Karen Oganesyan's “The Ghost,” Alexander Hahn's “Midsummer Madness,” Vera Storozheva's “Greek Holiday,” Yury Grymov's “The Case of Kukotskiy” and others. Khamatova is the recipient of a State Prize of the Russian Federation, the Triumph award, a Teffi, the Idol award, a Golden Mask, a Golden Eagle and other prizes.

Спектакли (Действующие лица и исполнители):
Raisa - Gorbachev
Anna (Sarah Abramson) - Ivanov
Shirin Shirazi - Iran Conference
Actors - Shukshin's Stories
Cast - Poor Lisa
Исполнители - Крылья будней. Фестиваль TERRITORIЯ
Cook as Katherina - The Taming of the Shrew
- Фильм "ВМаяковский"
Actors - Miss Julie