Касса  +7 (495) 629 37 39
Kalin Nikolov

Born : 18.03.1982 in Sofia “ Ikar “ nomination for the original music of the performance “Macbeth ”, directed by Kris Sharkov, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna, Bulgaria 2009 “The Goat or Who is Sylvia “ theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, National Theater „Ivan Vazov” — Sofia, Bulgaria — original music “ Askeer “ nomination for the original music of the performance “Caligula ”, directed by Javor Gardev, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna “ Macbeth “, theatre performance, directed by Kris Sharkov, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna, Bulgaria — original music 2008 “One Coffee ”, short movie, directed by Rushi Vidinliev — original music “ Le Bal des Voleurs “, theatre performance, directed by Thierry Harcourt, National Theater „Ivan Vazov” — Sofia, Bulgaria — original music “ Caligula “, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna, Bulgaria — original music “ ZIFT “, film, directed by Javor Gardev „ Heart's Desire ”, theatre performance, directed by Mladen Alexiev, State Theatre Lovech — Lovech, Bulgaria — original music “ Valentine's Day “, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, Little City Theatre „ Off The Channel ” — Sofia, Bulgaria — original music “ Ikar “, award for the original music of the performance „ The old Woman from Calcutta ”, directed by Javor Gardev, Theatre «199» — Sofia 2007 “SoulMate ”, short film, directed by Lyubomir Popov — original music “ Ikar “ nomination for the original music of the performance “ Krum ”, directed by Javor Gardev, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna “ The old Woman from Calcutta ”, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, Theatre «199» — Sofia, Bulgaria — original music « 34», short film, directed by Lyubomir Mladenov 2006 “Nothing More Beautiful “, theatre performance, directed by Mladen Alexiev,Youth Theatre „Nikolay Binev” — Sofia, Bulgaria — originalmusic “ Krum “, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna, Bulgaria — original music “ Askeer “, award for the original music of the performance “ King Lear ”, directed by Javor Gardev, National Theater „Ivan Vazov” — Sofia “ Cascando “, radioplay directed by Mladen Alexiev, original music “ King Lear ”, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, National Theater „Ivan Vazov” — Sofia, Bulgaria — original music 2004 “Case ”, theatre performance, directed by Kalin Angelov — Dramatic Theatre “Geo Milev” — Stara Zagora, Bulgaria — original music “ The Tempest ”, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev — Adana, Turkey — original music “ Feast in time of plague ”, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev — Trebnitz, Germany — original music “ Blue Print Project ”, radio feature, Bulgarian National Radio, directed by Mladen Aleksiev — original music, audio montage and sound design “ The Other Side of The Evening ”, radio feature, Bulgarian National Radio — original music, audio montage and sound design “ The Pillowman “, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna, Bulgaria — original music 2003 “Askeer “ nomination for the original music of the performance “Marat/Sade”, directed by Javor Gardev, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna « Life е 3 », theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, Theater 199, Sofia, Bulgaria — original music “ Marat/Sade “, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, international coproduction of Triumviratus Art Group and Association Theorem, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna, Bulgaria — original music, multimedia “ The Gate of Europe ”, radioplay, directed by Javor Gardev, Bulgarian National Radio — audio montage “ Momo “, theatre performance, directed by Veselin Dimov, Dramatic Theatre „Stoyan Bachvarov” — Varna, Bulgaria — original music “Ognen ”, visual performance by Manoela Andonova — original music “ Priests and witches ”, theatre performance, directed by Plamen Markov — audio montage “ Radiotaxi ” — radio feature — audio montage and sound design 2002 “In the Air “, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev, Dramatic and Puppet Theatre „Ivan Dimov” Haskovo, Bulgaria — original music, multimedia “ Bedspotting ”, short film, directed by Javor Gardev — original music, video editing “ Home sweet home ”, short film, Javor Gardev — original music, ?Ё??®?®?в ? “ Penthesilea ”, theatre performance, directed by Javor Gardev — Trebnitz, Germany — original music “ The Citadel ”, radioplay, directed by Javor Gardev, Bulgarian National Radio — original music “ Evgeny and Juliet ”, directed by Tanya Shahova, Bulgarian National Radio — audio montage “ Clay people ”, short film — original music 2001 — 2003 Sound-engineer, editor, composer in ARS Digital Studio, Sofia.


Спектакли (постановочная группа):
Composer - The Gronholm method
Composer - Killer Joe