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Roman Dolzhansky

Theater critic, art director of the NET (New European Theater) Festival, International Festival-School of Contemporary Art "Territory", International Festival of Arts “Vdokhnovenie”, deputy artistic director of the Theater of Nations. 

Graduated from the theatre studies department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS).

Worked as an editor of the Moscow Observer magazine. Since 1995, a correspondent, later a theater columnist for the Kommersant newspaper. Since 1998, together with theater critic Marina Davydova, she has been the art director of the NET (New European Theater) Festival, which ambition is to acquaint the Russian public with the best directors of the new wave of the European stage and a variety of modern theater genres.

Since 2005 he has been one of the art directors of the International Festival-School of Contemporary Art "Territory", which over the 14 years of its existence has opened performances and exhibitions of the best theaters and teams of the world for the Russian audience.

In 2015, he headed the International Festival of Arts “Vdokhnovenie” - a marathon of theater productions of various formats and genres, performances and art installations.
Member of the Jury of the International Ibsen Award (Internarinal Ibsen Award).

Chairman of the expert council of the Golden Mask National Theater Award in 2003, 2004 and 2008.

Honoree of the award "The Seagull" (2003).

Dramaturg of the performances of the Theater of Nations, including Ivanov and Shukshin's Stories.

Спектакли (постановочная группа):
Project's dramaturg - Gorbachev
Project's dramaturg - Hamlet | Collage
Project's dramaturg - The Broken Jug
Project's dramaturg - Pushkin's Fairy Tales
Project's dramaturg - Miss Julie