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Vladimir Kalisanov

Graduated from the Saratov Theatre School named after I. Slonov (course of V. Ermakov) in 1986. Worked in the Tomsk Drama Theatre, where he played Michel in the performance “Difficult parents”, and after — in the Saratov Academic Drama Theatre. Among the roles played: Iskremass ( “Legend of Iskremass“), Ivan Bezdomny (“The Master and Margarita“), Cherub (“Zoya's apartment“), Lariosik ( “The White Guards“), Treplev ( “The Seagull“), Seagull (“Dodo“), Septimus and Valentin (“Arcadia“), Manilov (“Brother Chichikov“), Kopferkingel (“Cremator”), Diodorus („The Fall of Rome”), Franz („The King, Queen, Jack”), Menashe („Toybele and her demon”), Baskin („The New American”), Petya Trofimov („The Cherry Orchard”), Baron („The Lower Depths”), Kordebua („Moneybox”), Berkutiov („Wolves and Sheeps”). Acted in the television drama «14 Red Huts», “Chevengur“, „Diary of a Madman”. In 2005 he was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Art Theatre. He made his debut in the performance “Sanctimonious persons' Kabala“ (Marquise de Lessaque). Playing in performances: “Dance of an Albatross“ (Gilles), “Tartuffe” (Cleante), „Ondine” (Auguste), „Amadeus” (Count Franz Orsini —Rozenberg), “Kreitser's Sonata“ (Fellow-traveller), “The New American” (Baskin) „The Pickwick Club” (Mr. Joseph Perker).

Спектакли (Действующие лица и исполнители):
Count Matthew Shabelsky - Ivanov
Bakhcheev Stepan Alekseevich - The Passion after Foma
Senekty, senior patrician - Caligula
Friar Laurence - Romeo and Juliet
General as Baptista - The Taming of the Shrew
Cast - A Man of Distinction